© RR Gordon
Meaningful Meaningful by RR Gordon
From the Meaning Of Life series

The partner story to the bestselling Meaningless ...

Sian could be any one of us. Her husband died suddenly four years ago and her children have all left home. Sian comes to realise that she is lonely and many times she has wondered what there is to look forward to ...

Surfacing slowly from the misery of her loss, Sian builds up the courage to venture back out into the world by re-starting one of her childhood pastimes in order to make new friends. However, each conversation reminds her of the hurt she is still feeling - but that is nothing to the guilt that is exposed when a new man starts to awaken her emotions again.

Meaningful is a simple story of a normal woman struggling to make sense of her life. Is it possible to love a second time and can Sian allow herself to do so?

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© RR Gordon